Your Support Matters

Thank you for making a gift to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF). Your tax-deductible donation supports groundbreaking research to prevent, research, and cure hearing loss, tinnitus, and related conditions. Individual generosity sustains our life-changing science. We are truly grateful for your support.

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All donors are recognized and acknowledged in our Annual Report. HHF's responsible and effective donor stewardship practices have been commended by Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance, Consumer Reports, Charity Navigator, CharityWatch, and GuideStar.

We also accept donations via mail or phone.

To make a donation by check, please use this form and mail it to:

Hearing Health Foundation
PO Box 1397
New York, NY 10018

Or call us with a credit card at: 212.257.6140 or TTY 888.435.6104

See if your employer matches donations

Questions? Please email us at: